BEP 273 – Discussing Business Strategy (2)

In this lesson, we’ll look at some useful techniques for discussing business strategies.

Think about the future of your company. How will it remain competitive? What are the long-term goals of your company? What does your company want to achieve? And how will it do that? These are just some of the questions that you might consider when you discuss business strategy. You need to think about what your business does well, how you can use your resources wisely, and what you need to do to grow the company.

Lesson Objectives

  • Discussing business strategy.
  • Strategizing for business.
  • Using relevant collocations.

In the dialog, we’ll hear Anne, Jenny, and Max, three executives at a food company called Healthy Organics. They are discussing their strategy for developing the company into the future. They’ll talk about some important strategic decisions, and they’ll use lots of useful expressions.

Lesson Content: Audio | PDF Transcript  | Lesson Module

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