BEP 132 – Interviews: Telephone Screening Interview

In this lesson, we look at how to handle a telephone interview for a new job.

Lesson Objectives

  • Identifying and introducing yourself.
  • Asking to delay the interview.
  • Giving concise information.
  • Avoiding giving a salary amount.
  • Winding down the interview.

We’ll be listening to James, who has lots of experience in his field, but has nevertheless recently lost his job due to downsizing at his company. He has been applying for jobs and has completed a series of aptitude and attitudinal tests at an agency that is representing Xeon IT, a multinational IT company.

Angie, who works in Human Resources at Xeon’s head office, calls James at home in the evening to do a screening interview. She needs to ask him some preliminary questions to decide if he will be invited for a face-to-face interview at Xeon.

Lesson Content: Podcast | Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast

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